Friday, May 13, 2016

Garden Getting Started!

 Last weekend we got our garden started! Lila's school was having a plant sale as a fundraiser, so I went there and got some plants, but they were sold out of a lot of the ones I wanted, including tomatoes and some herbs, so we ended up going to the farmer's market and getting a bunch more!!!

And since the weather was perfect, I decided to plant them all right away! We have a small plot in our community garden at our apartment, which they just started last year and is just so perfect for us!
I thought it would be fun to document the progress of our garden this summer, so here are some photos of the plants the day they were planted:

I did a garden last year, but I didn't utilize it nearly as much as I should have, so I am super excited to make the most out of it this year! I think I will go back to the farmer's market this weekend and pick up a few more plants to fill up the space! 

Do you have a garden this year? What are you putting in it?


  1. How lovely! :) I'm moving this weekend and really want to plant a veggie patch at the new place. At least I can bring my potted herbs over from my current home.
