Thursday, November 19, 2015

My DIY Wedding Planner

When I got engaged in April of this year, I knew I wanted a long engagement. I knew I was the kind of person who would stress over and micro manage every little detail, therefore a longer engagement would give me plenty of time to get every detail under control and not feel rushed! 
As you may know from previous posts, I am a planner addict. Meaning I absolutely love my weekly planner. I never really thought about getting a wedding planner, mainly because I didn't think I would use it the way most companies have it set up. Then it dawned on me... I could design my own!
I found this beautiful binder-style planner at Micheal's for 75% off!
One of the things I like about this planner is the fact that I can rearrange the months and choose what month I want to start in. I chose to start in October of this year, so it will go until September of next year. I did this because I figure next year anything I need to plan in October for the wedding can go in my regular planner!
I grabbed these little embellishment, also for 75% off!
The inside had perfect spaces for notepads, sticky notes, and pens. Now anytime I do anything wedding related I know I will have what I need!
Not mention it goes with two of our wedding colors; pink and gold!
This planner has a monthly view and a weekly view. I use the space on the bottom to write "goals" or tasks that I want to accomplish in that month or week.
In the back I keep an extra notepad and some more stickers!
If you are ever on the hunt for the perfect planner (for a wedding or just in general) I hope I gave you some inspiration to consider making your own! There are some definite advantages, especially if you can find it on sale!

I feel like I have a lot more I could say about wedding planning, would you guys be interested in a "wedding planning update" type of post?